But If You Say So

Aug 10, 2015    Pastor Jesse Atwood

Luke 5:5-6 MSG
Simon said, "Master, we've been fishing hard all night and haven't caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I'll let out the nets." It was no sooner said than done-a huge haul of fish, straining the nets past capacity.

I'm loving this story right now... Simon (Peter) is scrubbing his nets after a fruitless day of fishing and Jesus hops on his boat and tells him to go out a little off shore.

Peter obliges and then hears Jesus preaching to the people on the shore. When Jesus is done, he gives one more command: Push out deeper and let your nets down.

Love, love, love Peter's response: We've been doing just that BUT IF YOU SAY SO then I'll do it. That small act of obedience led to one HUGE CATCH of fish. So huge they needed help. So huge that Peter and his fellow fishermen were struck in awe and fell at Jesus' feet.

And then, Jesus gives them this directive: you will be fisher of men.

What if... What if Peter would have said, "I'm too tired right now." Or "Already been there, done that and nothing to show for it." Or "If you tell me to do something grand or new then I'll do it, but I've already tried what you said."

That small act of obedience led to a miracle. And I propose the miracle was not actually the big catch of fish... I say that actual miracle was the life changing directive. Jesus at that point changed their lives. Gave them a ministry. A mission statement.

And I missed this before, but after such a huge catch of fish, which means a lot of money... It seems like Peter and his buddies left it all at the shore.


Father, there are times when I'm tired of doing the same-old, same-old. It seems so monotonous and I feel like it won't amount to anything. Please help me to not turn my nose up to the small acts of obedience. Please help me to remember that small acts of obedience lead to big miracles. And please, please help me have the attitude of: BUT IF YOU SAY SO I W