You Give Them Something To Eat
I'm a little behind in my daily bible reading as we go through the books of the New Testament, but I wanted to quickly highlight this one verse of scripture:
Luke 9:13
He replied, "You give them something to eat."
Jesus has just finished teaching a huge crowd. They seem to be some distance away from access to food and the disciples see that the crowd is getting hungry. They SEE the need. But instead of being problem solvers, the disciples passed the buck on to Jesus.
Jesus' réponse, however, was "YOU give them something to eat."
It's so easy for most of us to see problems. Things that need to be fixed. Needs that need to be met. Just take a ride around town or spend a few minutes talking to your neighbor, there are issues, hurts, pains, desperate situations all around us.
The tendency may be-- when we see these needs-- to get someone else to fix it. However, I see Jesus looking at us right now saying, "You give them something to eat."
I believe our Father lets us see the need because He wants us to be part of the solution.
The disciples answered, "We ONLY have five loaves of bread and two fish." But with faith, that little bit fed the multitude. In the same way, when we see a need, we may look at our meager resources and I think-- I ONLY have five dollars. I ONLY have ten minutes. I ONLY have this little bit... But with faith, what we consider insignificant can be used to PROVIDE for a need.
Let's not pass the buck. Today, as we go about our day, when we see someone that is in need, lets step up to the plate. Let's feed those that are hungry. Let's provide a shoulder for those that are crying. Let's help those that are in need.
Father, please help me to be more sensitive to others' needs. And when you allow me to see the need, give me the boldness and wisdom to move forward and be a problem solver. In your Jesus' name, Amen!