Once you are in a growing relationship with God and getting to KNOW HIM... He begins directing your life. You find out who you ARE. You become what HE intended you to BE.
Doesn't that make sense? Instead of trying to BE someone we are not, why not go to the one who put us together and has planned our life?
Although we all have specific destinies mapped out by GOD, there are some general things HE wants us to BE... Here are just three of them:
1 Samuel 15:22 says "Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice." Before we run out and DO a lot of stuff for God, He desires simple OBEDIENCE. This means that when you read His Word, you apply it to your life. It also means that when the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart, that you obey and follow His prompting.
Ephesians 6:13 warns us to "Be Prepared!" He wants us to BE PREPARED by Reading His Word and Talking With Him every morning. The people you come across through out your day are people that God wants you to impact. But how can you make a difference in someone's life if you are not prepared? Soon BE PREPARED!
Romans 12:2 tells us "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world." God doesn't want us to look, act, talk like the world does. He wants us to stand out for Him. He wants us to BE DIFFERENT. So stop copying the behavior and customs of this world and start talking and acting like a Christ-Follower!