Read Acts 8:26-40
I just want to ask one question: When God says "Go" do we run?
Here's Philip. The Angel of the Lord tells him to GO down the desert road. And the next sentence says that Philip started on his way. Mind you, the Angel of The Lord did not give him specific instructions. Philip didn't know WHERE he was going. He didn't know WHAT city. Street address. He didn't even know WHO he was suppose to meet. All Philip knew was to "GO!"
When Philip was on his way, his journey crossed paths with an Ethiopian Eunuch. And the Spirit tells Philip to, "GO to that chariot and stay near it." I love Philip's response in verse 30: "Then Philip RAN up to the chariot..."
Through this story, God is talking and Philip is obeying. And now we see that when the Spirit says "GO," Philip RUNS to do whatever he needs to do.
Do we RUN to do whatever God tell us to do?
Because of Philip's willingness and readiness, he had the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the Ethiopian Eunuch. Not only that, Philip had the honor of baptizing him as well.
So, I ask myself and I ask you: Are we GOING when God says "GO!" Or are we coming up with excuses. Do we ask for details? Specifics? "God, if you tell me where I'm going, then maybe I will go. But right now, I have no clue who I'm going to meet, what I'm going to say and what I'm going to do."
God is looking for people who are ready to "GO!" He is looking for those that will RUN to do whatever he asks of us. Are you that person?
Father, help us to be ready. Fine tune our discernment. Help us hear your voice clearly. And when you say "GO" I pray we have the boldness and courage to RUN and do whatever it is you have asked of us. Amen.